December 2022 Mini-Challenge
Over the past five years, The 52 Book Club has released over 300 unique reading challenge prompts!
To celebrate this milestone, this month’s mini-challenge is all about the number three-hundred! (Excluding the 2023 prompts because they haven’t started yet… these prompts are #299, #300, and #301!) We had a lot of fun coming up with these number based prompts and credit goes to Lindsay and Trisha for our final three.
BONUS: We know that some of you were hoping for specific holiday-themed prompts. As an optional add-on to this challenge, you might decide to only use holiday / December themed reads that match these three prompts. (A mini-challenge for the mini-challenge, if you will.) As always, this extra bonus challenge is entirely up to you!

December 2022 Mini-Challenge:
1. Three C’s on the Cover
2. Set or written 300 years ago
3. 300 pages long
Match one book to each of the prompts (for a total of three books). Share your picks in our Facebook group, Goodreads group, or on Instagram using the hashtag #the52bookclub2022. You can also find these listed as bonus prompts on our StoryGraph challenge.
You can choose to read these books in addition to your regular 52 Book Club reads (we’re now at 73 prompts for the year), or you can combine them with prompts still left on your 2022 list. As always, get as creative as you like with the prompts and have fun!
Need some help with how to interpret these prompts?
- Three C’s on the cover: In Roman numerals, CCC means 300. For this prompt, we want you to find a cover that has three letter C’s on it. You could find a book that has three C’s in the title, or use a combination of title and author’s name.
For example:
– The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S Lewis
– The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly.
Some books also have endorsement from other authors or extra notes on the cover such as “Over one million copies sold.” The book you pick might also have a subtitle with C’s. All C’s on the cover work towards this prompt — as long as there are three of them!
Goodreads List: Three C’s on the cover
- Set or written 300 years ago: Continuing with our 300 theme, we’re looking for books that are either set or written 300 years ago — in the 1700s. Any time in the 1700s will work for this prompt, although it’s up to you if you’d like to get super specific and try to find a book in the 1720s. (For example, Gulliver’s Travels was published in 1726.)
Goodreads List: Set or written 300 years ago
- 300 pages long: This is a simple one! Pick any book between 300-399 pages long.
As always, keep in mind that different editions will vary in length. As long as at least one edition fits within the 300-399 page count, the book will work towards this prompt regardless of the format you’re using.
Note: If you’re reading on an e-reader, we know page count can vary depending on font size. An easy place to find the page count for a book is on Goodreads!
Goodreads List: 300 pages long
What books will you be reading for this month’s prompts?
I have to finish a book by Saturday, but otherwise I am ready to go.
1-Three Cason the Cover-My copy of Little Women has this on the cover-“Penguin Classics Louisa May Alcott Little Women”.
2-Set or Written 300 Years Ago-The Outlander
3-300 pages-The one Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot
Just noticed that “Three Cs” got changed. Ya gotta love spellcheck or is it spellwreck.
Hehe, one of those things that I noticed almost instantly after publishing the post. It always happens that way!