February 2024 Mini-Challenge
Are you ready for our very first mini-challenge of 2024? February has numerous events and celebrations and today we’re highlighting three of them with three new mini-challenge prompts!
What is a mini-challenge:
Mini-challenges are small, month-long reading challenges. They usually contain two or three prompts built around a specific theme. Match one book to each prompt, getting as creative as you like. If you think the book fits the prompt, it does! These mini-challenges are released sporadically and not every month will have one. (The surprise is part of the fun!)
Mini-challenge tips:
Since this is our first mini-challenge of 2024, here’s a quick refresher on some of the most commonly asked mini-challenge-related questions:
1) Do I have to complete this challenge in February?
Nope! You can complete this mini-challenge whenever you like. Some members prefer to focus on finishing the main 2024 challenge first, and then go back to complete all the minis afterward. Others enjoy the added challenge of completing mini-challenges in the month they’re released. If you start the February challenge but don’t finish this month, feel free to carry it over into the coming months. Do whatever works for you!
2) Is this a part of the main 52 books in 52 weeks challenge?
Yes and no. Mini-challenges are related to our 52 books in 52 weeks challenge but are also completely optional. Some members may decide to complete the full challenge and all the minis. Other members may choose to skip mini-challenges or to complete some of the minis but not all of them. Some challenge participants might only be joining in for the minis. It’s up to you how (or if) you’d like to participate.
3) Can I use the same books as my 52 book challenge?
It all depends on your personal reading goals! You can choose to read these books in addition to your regular 52 Book Club reads (this mini-challenge makes 55 prompts for 2024), or you can double up and combine them with prompts still left on your 2024 list. Your challenge, your rules!

February 2024 Mini-Challenge:
1. By a Black author in your favorite genre
2. Be Mine, Valentine
3. By an author born in a leap year
Match one book to each of the prompts (for a total of three books). Share your picks in our Facebook group, Goodreads group, or on Instagram using the hashtag #the52bookclub2024. You can also find these listed as bonus prompts on our StoryGraph challenge.
Shareable graphics:
Need some suggestions?
1) By a Black author in your favorite genre: In honor and celebration of Black History Month, our first February prompt is, “By a Black author in your favorite genre.” Book picks will vary widely from reader to reader depending on each reader’s favorite genre. Any genre or work by a Black author will fit this prompt.
As an added personal challenge in honor of Black History Month, many of our members will be completing this entire mini-challenge (or their February reads) using only Black authors, and we invite you to join us in that as well.
Goodreads list: By a Black author in your favorite genre.
2) Be Mine, Valentine: For our second prompt, any romance novel or book with a romance theme or plot (primary or secondary) will work toward this prompt. The book may be centered around Valentine’s Day or just love in general. You may also choose a book with the words “Be Mine” or “Valentine” in the title, or an author whose first or last name is Valentine.
Creative interpretations: Don’t love Valentine’s Day? You may decide on a darker interpretation for this prompt and choose a suspense novel about a stalker (“Be Mine…”) or unrequited love. It may be a character stuck in a time loop on Valentine’s Day (Before I Fall, The Do-Over, etc) or a character named Valentine. Feel free to get as creative as you like!
Goodreads List: Be Mine, Valentine
3) By an author born in a leap year: February 2024 is a leap year (meaning that we have 29 days in the month instead of 28.) For this prompt, we’re looking for any book written by an author born in a leap year. The author does not have to be born in February and the book does not have to have been published in a leap year.
Examples of leap years: 1904, 1908, 1912, 1916, 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, etc.
Goodreads List: By an author born in a leap year
What books will you be picking this month?