Hey Bookworm, You Did It!
As 2022 draws to a close, we want to celebrate your reading success with you! You did an amazing job tackling your bookshelves, trying new genres and authors, and crossing off those 2022 prompts!
In celebration, we’ve put together a couple of official graphics to share your reading challenge success with the world! Share these on your social media pages and invite your fellow friends and bookworms to join us in 2023. Don’t forget to use #the52bookclub2022 so we can see it too!

The Downloads:
This year we’ve also created a “52 Book Club Year in Review” graphic. Download it above and then use your favorite editing tool (example: Canva) to fill it in. Share it in our social groups or on social media using the #the52bookclub2022. And don’t forget to tag and invite your friends and acquaintances to join in!
Again, many congrats to all our 2022 Reading challenge finishers!
In the comments below, share a favorite reading memory from 2022! We look forward to reading with you again in the coming year!