2023 Prompt Finalists
Hello bookworms! Have you heard the news? Throughout the month of September, we’re voting on prompts to appear on next year’s 2023 challenge. Each week, votes are tallied across Facebook, Instagram, and Goodreads. Our top three picks will be named finalists for that week! In October, those finalists will be placed in a random draw, and the winner will earn their spot on the 2023 challenge! (Live draw date and time TBA.)
Each week our finalists from the previous week will be announced on this page.
Week One:
The results are in from our very first vote, “Set in the city of…” This is the first time we’ve had a specific city as a prompt and we are very excited by our top three finalists as they each have some amazing possibilities.
The finalists: Dublin was this week’s runaway winner with Tokyo and London nabbing the second and third spots.
The remaining results in descending order were: Paris (4th), Barcelona (5th), New York (6th), Venice (7th), Prague (8th), Johannesburg (9th), Istanbul (10th), Damascus (11th), Kathmandu (12th), Warsaw and Vienna (tied 13th), Las Vegas and Berlin (tied 14th), Manaus (15th), Los Angeles (16th), Shanghai (17th), Singapore (18th).

Week Two:
Our finalists for our week two vote are: Neil Gaiman, Jodi Picoult, and Octavia E. Butler! These three finalists will be entered into a random draw and one of them will appear on the 2023 challenge.

Week Three:
Our finalists for week three (an object on the cover) are: Books, A Famous Monument, and Mountains. Each of these have some amazing cover options, and we’re excited to see which one will appear on the 2023 challenge!
The remaining results in descending order were: Birds (4th), Stars (5th), Beach (6th), Trees (7th), Your Birthstone (8th), Clock (9th), Eyeglasses (10th), Sword (11th), Key (12th), Horse (13th), Children (14th), Hands (15th), Sunset (16th), Boat and Airplane (tied for 17th), Jewellery (18th), Heart (19th).

Week Four:
And finally, our last set of finalists are for the prompt, “Related to the word…” The finalists are: Murder, Night, and Adventure. These “related to the word” prompts are always super fun to get creative with and each of these three words have so many possibilities.
The results for the rest of the poll were as follows: Ocean (4th), Storm (5th), Nature and Brave (tied for 6th), Lost (7th), Zoo (8th), Discovery (9th), Future (10th), Treasure (11th), Silver (12th), Rose (13th), Princess (14th), Beautiful (15th), Passion (16th), Health (17th), Moving (18th), Goal (19th).

Our winning finalist from each week will be drawn on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15TH, 2022 at 7PM ET.
Four winning prompts will be randomly drawn during a Facebook Live. If you’re not yet a part of the Facebook Group, you can join us here! Hop online on Saturday the 15th at 7pm ET to watch the live draw. (The replay will be posted on our website later, if you miss it.)
Did any of your picks make it as finalists? Which four finalists would you love to see as the winning 2023 prompts?
I am disappointed that London is in the top 3. It’s such a “safe” choice. I personally voted for Johannesburg.
Prague for me. I agree that it’s safe and personally think it’s super boring. Hopefully one of the other two gets chosen
My thoughts exactly. I think I voted for Istanbul, for exactly this same reason.
I’m good with any of the finalists in the first three categories. However, the words murder and night are way too common, in my opinion. I’m pulling for adventure! Ocean was my vote, so I feel somewhat pleased to come close.
I know! I think the same. It would be better to have to have a ‘reach’ for the words. Something like – window, or salt, or windmill… something less pedantic!
While my top choices didn’t always make the top three, I see these contenders as ones that will be very workable.
For those grumping that they are too safe or not much of a reach, you can still set personal challenges. Not all of us what to have to dig to find a book that meets each of the 52 prompts. I’m sure there will still be challenges.
My picks all ended up as finalists. I tried to select ones that I could satisfy using books on my shelf. There are 48 others that can be filled in more “challenging”. I am excited for the drawing and will be happy with whatever gets picked.
I’m happy about Dublin! Tana French, please! And I really hope It’s not Monuments!! All though, Monuments Men is on my TBR! 😂🤣
I picked the contenders in each of the categories. I tried to pick based on books that I can pull from shelf. If one of your selections didn’t make it to a finalist, there are 48 other prompts.
Excited for the drawing!